North Pole Safety Rules and Guidance – 2021

The safety, security, and health of our attendees, vendors, and staff is always a top priority. We are monitoring and will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely with our venue along with our local government officials in Pierce County. Special Events, Festivals, and Retail Events are allowed under the Governor’s phased reopening plan, and we will be following all of the requirements specific to our event and its many offshoots that have been provided. Occupancy restrictions and staggered entry will be enforced.

Facility Requirements

Department of Health Mask Mandate
(Link to the order)

Face masks or dedicated face coverings are required for ALL attendees over the age of five, with no exceptions. Face coverings are required at all times in public per the Governor’s Order.  Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, developmental or cognitive condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering are exempt from this requirement.

Customer Requirements

  • Appointments are required for all attendees.
  • Persons getting their photos taken in Santa’s Studio may remove their masks when instructed by the photographer for the photo.  The masks must be placed back on their face after the photos are taken.
  • Only one family will be allowed in Santa’s Studio at any given time.
  • Groups are encouraged to social distance while in the North Pole.  Groups are limited to 10 persons while in Santa’s Studio.
  • The photographer should maintain social distancing, using no-touch posing methods.
  • Parents and Observers should practice social distancing from the photographer while in Santa’s Studio.

Facility Procedures and Sanitation

  • Admittance to the North Pole is limited to one hour in advance of your Reservation time.
  • Please follow all posted instructions and rules in the North Pole.
  • High-touch props and decorations will be sanitized throughout the day. 
  • Staff will frequently sanitize all common areas, including doorknobs (interior and exterior), countertops, touchscreens, and monitors.
  • North Pole employees will manage entrance, allowing for the timed entry.
  • Sanitizing stations are available throughout the facility.
  • Santa’s Studio is equipped with multiple fans exchanging inside air with outside air throughout the day.
  • Santa will only hold Children that cannot stand on their own.
  • Personal items and coats that will not be in the photos will not be allowed inside Santa’s Studio.  An area will be provided to securely hold all of your items.
  • Groups will not be permitted to wait inside for other groups or persons once the photos have been taken.

Customer Requirements

Customer Expectations and Requirements – Pre-Visit

Before arriving at the North Pole, we are asking any customers to self-screen and answer the following questions.

  • Do you or ANYONE in your party have any symptoms listed below that are not caused by another non-covid related condition?
    Symptoms:  Fever, chills, persistent cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, muscle and/or body aches, the recent loss of taste or smell, a sore throat, fatigue, headache, runny nose, congestion, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea?
  • Do you or ANYONE in your party have a temperature over 100.4 degrees?
  • Were you or ANYONE in your party diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine?
  • Have you or ANYONE in your party experienced symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 24 hours?
  • Have you or ANYONE in your party had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
  • Within the past 14 days, has a public health or medical professional told you to self-monitor, self-isolate, or self-quarantine because of concerns about COVID-19 infection?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, we urge you to not arrive at the North Pole.  Please email us, and we will quickly reschedule your appointment to a different time where all of the answers will be NO.  If you’re sick, please stay home. We’ll welcome you after you feel better.

Customer Expectations and Requirements – On-Site

While inside the photography studio and socially distanced waiting areas, all attendees are expected to follow the following rules to assist in maintaining a safe and sanitary environment.

  • For your safety and the safety of others, please keep your mask on throughout the North Pole.
  • Always cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Please respect others by physical distancing in the play areas.
  • Hand sanitizers will be placed throughout the facility. Please use them.
  • Review any signage placed throughout the North Pole reminding you of our safety procedures.

These precautions are in place for your safety and the safety of others. We’re looking forward to seeing you again!